Amelia Pisano

Today started off so dark for me. Its been that way for days now. I wrote a detailed post on fb and Cindy noticed it and contacted me right away. Cindy told me that she and Sandy Marshall had tapped into what was happening to me. I called her right away and we started a journey of healing together. I have had many sessions with Cindy but this one was so new to me. I was taken down a path of enlightenment, cleansing and clearing of my soul. A spiritual journey with love and light surrounding my every step. Joined by the Divine and my loved ones who have passed I was transformed into white energy and love, my vibrations grew immensely. Through our session I was able to re-connect with my soul and “given back” my soul facets.. all back! I felt it almost instantly, my body and soul filled with high love and light energy. The experience was so peaceful, emotional and bright. I am so very grateful for all that Cindy did today and always to help me back in total alignment and whole with my soul again. I feel as though the world has been lifted off of my shoulders so to speak

Thank you so much, I am so grateful for you and this experience.

love you,

Amelia Pisano