Cindy Sommer’s Inspired Prayer of Protection:

We are making some changes to the website. For this prayer, head over to the Daily Inspirations under the MISSION TAB at the top of the page. Click on DAILY EMPOWERING TOOLS to the right of the page. There, you will find some amazing tools to help you ground, center and connect to your Divine Source. Thank you for your patience!  Much love and many blessings,  Cindy and the Lifeline Healing Angel Team.

Cindy Sommer said:

Cindy Sommer Said: “The vital lessons we learn in this life come from some of the most gut wrenching experiences! Without these experiences the growth would not be the same.” Cindy Sommer

Cindy Sommer wrote: “When you want to play the game, it is important that you show up. It’s important that you practice and learn. Your willingness to play is just as important as when you take your turn at bat. Don’t worry about the power or concentrate so much on what’s going…